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Napster: An Uphill Task in the Music Distribution Industry

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The Disruption of the Napster concept was born in 1999 as a Peer to Peer File sharing Service. It changed the provide that share MP3 files directly with the others as it enabled the users to share files. Napster was fond of most people with millions of users and the content of very many songs provided for Free.

The consumption of Napster could not be commended any further. Users were easily able to get and market themselves and create their own playlists at relatively low charges. However, the main problem was in the business model itself. The unlimited and unpermitted distribution of copyrighted content led to legal issues with the recording companies which was the death of Napster.

The Influence of Napster

Nevertheless, it is an irrefutable fact that Napster had bad ramifications for itself especially regarding the internet. This is especially true as it helped grow satellite radio, which was virtually non-existent before Napster. One of the outcomes of the service was the obvious growth of people that want to listen to music in a quick and easy way.

As a reaction to this, Big Records Companies and Technological companies made efforts to create legal alternatives for Napster. In the case of apple for example, this was accompanied with iTunes which harnessed the market in 2003.

Other popular streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, and Deezer followed suit, providing subscription-based models for unlimited music listening.

The Development of the Digital Music Industry

The attempts that have been made to escalate the distribution of digital music have changed the dynamics of the music industry. The sales of CDs and vinyl records have decreased sharply, while listening to music through streaming sites has become the most common way to enjoy music. Even the artists and labels themselves had to change their business strategies in order to make money in a time of distractions.

Despite the hurdles that Napster experienced in the court room, no one can dispute its burning impact in the world of music business. Napster became the first of this kind to introduce online music stores. The reach of Napster has outlived the thousands of music streaming services and music stores available in this era of technology.


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